Welcome to Mostly Physics
Personal notes.
Last Update 19991023
What lies in these pages are ideas. Some didn't survive. Some still live
on in my mind. Some are young and immature, while others are older.
Some seem immortal, borrowed from other minds from long ago.
Plimpsestos is greek and means something like "scratchpad".
Filter through your experiences what you can, and the rest will have to
be considered noise.
Remember, in computer science, "interpreters" are very bad at error
checking compared to "compilers". And even though a Pascal compiler will
find many errors in a language it doesn't understand, like Lisp, that
is no indication that the Lisp program is wrong.
Compilers are always very fast, so when you are in trouble, use
an interpreter; use your instinct.
Usenet articles.
Inductive vs. deductive reasoning
The Nature of Questions and Answers
An Inquiry into Inquiry
Analogical and Logical Thinking
"Dharmak on the ocean. Temba his arms wide.", metaphor as a language
Schrodinger's Cat
Moire Aliasing and Quantum Mechanics
The Resolution of Duality
Computer Generated Holograms
Optical Computation
Analogy and Logy I
The two tools of rational thinking
Analogy and Logy II
Analogy in Logy III
Mathematical Physics
What is Time ?
The Art of Telepathy
On Learning
Homegeneous Coordinate Transforms
Notes on Computer Graphics
DaVinci's Perspective of Color
Negative Probabilities
Bremermann's Limit
Old Brief summary of the ideas in this site
Language Translation
The Hunter and the Farmer
The Complete Picture
Excercising the Eye, Mind and Heart
Space, Time and Dimensions
What is space ?
The Weight of Information

Technical valuation of stocks is speculative,
relative (in terms of space and states, not time) and predictive (IV.) while Fundamentalist valuation of
stocks is objective, absolute (in terms of space and states, not time), and prophetic (I.) So, the
Fundamentalist prophesizes the future of a company, the Technical trader cares only about tomorrow
or next week at the most. Prophesy says "what" but is ignorant to exactly "when", prediction or
"projection" is more exactly "when" but not exactly "what" (tomorrow there could be a war or stock
market collapse that would destroy in an instant any projection based on a time-series trend. This is the forced collapse of
the speculative and inflated wavefunction which more often is called a "correction").
Mind, Language and Matter
Buddhism and Physics
The Human Tree
The Gallery of Music
The Ocean of People
The Subjective Bomb
In Man's Image ?
Religion and Dualism
The Moral Stock
The Embarassment of Balancing
The Science of "Faith"
when empirically derived laws faulter there is still
a kind of theoretical "faith" in the law
The temporal expectation of gravity
The information theory of black holes
The Quantum Bicycle
Prediction vs. Prophesy
Observation and Measurment
Revolt and Patriotism
the transference of a people and its God
Infinity and Classifications
The ordering of spatial states and temporal events
Discourse and Debate
More mature than mature
How mature can adults become ?
Function over Form and Substance
Wisdom and Chaos
How do you decide whether something is true or not when you can't decide ?
medium is the message <-> message is the medium
"We demand that we demand demarcation! " - Douglas Adams, "HHGTTG"
Shakespeare and Quantum Mechanics
The actionable statements of a language are grounded in and constrained by mathematics and physics
Space and Time to Think
Cryptanalysis and Language Recognition
Signal processing vs. QM
Subjective vs. Objective Space-Time
The objective world is seen as a convenient, if not perfectly efficient,
proto-language for communication of subjective ideas.
Fundamental dichotomies in the Evolution of Symbolism
work in progress
A bridge too far
Is there such a thing as a concept which is "too general" ?
Einstein and Saussure
The uncanny comparison of Saussure's Synchronic/Diachronic analysis to frequency and time domain
analysis and more...
Zipf's law, Saussure and Quanta
Fundemental communications laws pop up in many fields- the quantum in linguistics
Linguistic Wars
a Rosetta Stone
Whorf and Hopi Language
very physical expressions from cryptotypes of "tenseless" verbs in the Hopi language
Whorf and Ethnocentricity
Is eastern and western ethnocentricity gramatically derived ?
The Game
Linguistic Perception. How to control the populace as if they were little finite impulse response (FIR) filters.
Linguistic Variance
Compilers vs. Interpreters
Space, Time and Memory
Recursive and iterative processes and their associated notions of Time
Space-like vs. Time-like
Aliasing and/or interference; take your pick.
Static and Dynamic Databases
Sampled and Real-time data are treated differently in terms of space and time.
Context and Randomness
Context is everything
Quality and Quantity
Can physicists drive a car ?
More on time
Time as a linguistic/communications context
Benjamin Lee Whorf
Linguistics and the perception of the physical world
(see also Berlin and Kay)
The Wave-Particle Duality
A conjecture on the dualism.
A Clockwork Orange
A summary of the ideas on duality contained in this web site
Politics and Wave-particle duality
Does western democracy consider everyone a consumer
while communism treats everyone as a consumer-producer ?
A very vague hierarchy of valences; just and idea
Aharonov-Bohm Volumes
Why don't we have a concept of an unobservable volume embedded in
an observed space ?
Superluminal Communication
Raymond Chiao's definition of front velocity and it's relationship to compressed vs. uncompressed data.
Superpositions vs. Entanglements
They're not the same
The definition of identity; identical, distinguishable
The General Principle of Duality
Defined in part
Connected dualisms are the fuzzy gray areas between truth and falsity.
Diversity and Integrity
An application of the general principle of duality.
Covariance, Dualism, and constants in managment
An application of the general principle of duality.
No pidegeon holing allowed.
The laser as a mathematical model of the economy
An application of the general principle of duality.
Quantum Mechanical Intensity and Instantaneous Intensity
Negative intensities revisited.
Intensity and Amplitude
Taking the wave-particle as given. Are negative intensities necessary in the description of scattering ?
Philosophical vs. Top-down thinking
Physics, Economics, and Probability
From QM to Color Theory
The Other Uncertainty Relation
The number of photons vs. phase
Black-Body Radiation
Euler's relation
Superpositions and Mixtures
Some more thoughts
Symmetries of Measurement

Information Theory and Physics
Nature's bit resolution and sample rate
Planck's constant
Constants have underlying physical relations that important theoretically.
What is the underlying physical relation for Wien's B-B constant ?
Interference with Polarization
This is set up for a special Mach 32 VGA card driver.
This is a simple operation that is very interesting.
Zero-point energy ?
Like voltage multipliers ?
Quantum Logic
Does QM violates the Law of Contradication ? (Bell's inequality)
What happens to the distinction between the observer and observed for
macro vs. microscopic observations ?
Are Photons Particles ?
What is a particle ? Distinguishability.
Discreteness vs. Continuity
A Bayesian Mechanics
-- Quantum Mechanics based on fuzzy subsethood
Fuzzy Subsethood
Fuzzy Mechanics
-- How color theory suggests Fuzzy Theory in QM
Are Photons Bosons ?
-- When is it proper to call a photon a boson ?
Polarizers are n-slits
-- About Mixtures and Superpositions
Superpositions and Mixtures
-- Mixtures and Superpositions and the Renormalization problem
Counting Primes using a Young's n-slit experiment
-- How to use Bayesian Mechanics
A General Concept of Refraction - Virtual Media
-- Ideas on integrating generalized dispersions
Tunneling and Wavefunction Collapse
Vacuum Polarization
Algebraic Geometry
Older Stuff
Quantum Mechanics
The Three Prism Problem
Quantum Mechanics and Digital Signal Processing
The Principle of Superposition
Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics
Coordinates, Dimensions and Orthogonality
The Speed of a Wave Pulse
Digital Signal Processing and Speech Recogniton
Signal Processing
A small program I wrote to interactively analyze the sound contents of
a Sound Blaster Voc file that includes Spectral and Amplitude
graphs. I used this program to recognize vowel formants and
some phonemes. It can also be used to play back a spectrally
modified sound on the speakers
A picture of what the program displays
This is a spoken word. Can you recognize what the word is ? Hint:
the vowels are painted green and consonants are blue
(where they can be recognized by the program)
vowels have "formants" which are the horizontal arcs in the
frequency spectra.
Whistle Recognition
One of my small inventions. A PC program to recognize whistled notes.
The intention was for computer input by disabled or for musical
composition. A related program was developed that could move a mouse
cursor up, down, left, right depending upon the whisteled frequencies.
Another variation, used vowel formants of the words "up", "down",... to
do the same thing (since these words have more or less distinct formants)
Old bookmarks removed to save space.
sci.physics newsgroup
sci.physics.research newsgroup
sci.math newsgroup
comp.ai.fuzzy newsgroup
"...and I cherish more than anything else the Analogies, my most trustworthy masters.
They know all the secrets of Nature..."
© 1997 CA314159
The problem with Continuity is that everyone demands Closure.
If you have comments or corrections, please send me a note.
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